Fields not being utilized for agricultural or wildlife management, and recently cutover timberland with poor soil conditions should be reforested with a specie of pine at the rate of 400 – 500 trees per acre. The Virginia Reforestation of Timberlands (RT) program will currently pay a portion of these expenses. You may also deduct 100 % of your final out-of-pocket expenses (up to $ 10,000) for reforestation on federal income taxes in the year incurred. If so desired, you may amortize any balance over $ 10,000 over an 84-month period as well. A qualified tax professional should be consulted for IRS guidelines at the time of implementation.
A newly established stand would most likely need chemical hardwood control within 2 years following reforestation. Currently, the RT program will also cost share release and should be considered as part of the establishment cost for tax purposes. Cost share program availability for reforestation and competition control would be dependent on funding at the time of the practice as determined by the Virginia Department of Forestry. A thinning should be accomplished at 16-20 years (for loblolly pine) removing approximately 13-15 cords per acre at a normal pre-thinning density of 180-200 square feet of basal area per acre. A second thinning 8-10 years later to a desired residual stocking level of 60-70 square feet of basal area per acre would allow for the regeneration harvest at age 40 years.
White pine does not generally require thinning, so planting at recommended initial stocking levels would allow for a stand rotation at about 40 years of age.
Money REALLY does grow on trees!
"What is YOUR timber worth?"
Contact EnviroFor, LLC.
EnviroFor, LLC.
356 Deer Run Lane
Shipman, Virginia 22971
(434) 263-4772
[email protected]